4 Parts
(1) Holy Sanctuary (Madbaha) (Holy of Holies)
(2) Place inside the rails (Azhikakam) (Holy place)
(3) Nave (Hykala) (Main Hall for Congregation)
(4) Portico (Northex) (Poomukham) (Place for gentiles) ( not for all Churches !!)
The Holy Sanctuary (Madbaha)
Here there is an altar, a table of sacrifice. In the Madbaha there is censer, a cross instead of the budded staff of Aaron, Paten and Chalice in the place of the life giving Manna and the vessels of sacrifice, burning candles to lighten the vessels of sacrifice as the glorious Ark like cherubims overshadowing the covenant box. (heb: 9:4- 5).The Madbaha is depicted as equivalent to Golgatha. It is compared as the Mount of Sinai where God descended down and visited. It is also compared to paradise where there is tree of life and unending songs of the sacred congregation. Above all it is held as heaven itself.
The Veil (Altar Curtain)
The Veil, which separates the Madbaha and the Hykala, signifies the sky, which separates the Heaven and Earth.